Finely tuned balance of efficacy and safety

Patented technology
Our microencapsulation technology is developed according to the highest international standards. It is protected through patents.

Long lasting
Our water based and odorless products have immediate and long-lasting effects. Thanks to the tailored release mechanisms.

Our product range can be applied in every surrounding from households, hospitality and malls up to the industrial areas, animal farms and heavy duty application outdoors.
The science behind the products

The basics of microencapsulation
Microencapsulation is a technique used to “embed” a well-defined concentration of an active substance within a coating enabling less frequent re-application. By doing so, the release of the active substances can be prolonged with high efficacy rate towards crawling and flying insect pests, odours are suppressed, and the degree of toxicity reduced. Active substances which are commonly affected by exterior conditions (such as weather), are stabilised in order to optimise their biological activity and therefore avoid release during entire shelf life. Add to this the factor of biodegradability of the outer capsule and what you will end up with is an innovative and environmentally friendly alternative applicable to extermination.
The composition of the capsule
The composition of the capsule itself is formed through emulsification using a cross-linking agent that forms the microcapsule wall at the inter-phase of the oil droplets. During emulsification, a droplet size is produced and forms the inner diameter of the capsule. Within the active substance it contains an inert fluid modifying the mobility while the diffusion occurs through the pores of the capsule wall. Upon touching the porous/non-porous surfaces and drying, the active substance starts to release from the microcapsule.