Bio Kill goes to Bad Erlach!

After so many months of preparation, it´s all over!…. BUT … what a success! Taking place at the Linsberg Asia Therme in Lower Austria, Jesmond had the pleasure to witness our partners from so many different parts of the world including Asia, Africa, North America, and all over Europe, interacting all together at one event.

Thank you to all for your participants and for the great feedback we have received following the three-day-event. From our side we also heard many enjoyed the trip and, well, the spa wasn’t bad either for some relaxation after a hard-day´s work!

Presentations during the seminar also proved to us once again that Jesmond-partners truly are a special group of companies and people who truly believe in the product they market and distribute.

From our newest addition to the Bio Kill group to even some of our longest withstanding partners who last took part in our seminar 16 years ago, we appreciate the efforts and energy all participants brought!

All in all, we are extremely happy with the outcome and hope to see everyone again soon for our next seminar. Thank you to all and everybody involved in organizing or participating. Please login to the partner-section of our site to view presentations made during the event for your reference whenever you need. See you next time!!
